Posted tagged ‘Coca Cola’

Friday Video(s): Alex Chilton and The Box Tops for Coca Cola

April 2, 2010

This was understandably left out of most tributes to Alex Chilton, but the song’s really pretty good–and definitely more ambitious than the Rolling Stones’ Rice Krispies jingle. There’s like a whole narrative arc to it.


March 31, 2010

While looking for Replacements videos on YouTube a while ago, I came across this footage of the band playing “Talent Show” at something called the International Rock Awards. There’s surprisingly little information about the awards–or as I’ll assume they were called, the other IRA–available online. The ‘Mats clip is one of only a handful that showed up during a more thorough YouTube search, and all one can glean from it is that Matt Dillon was in the audience. (Westerberg looks really happy, though.)
