Posted tagged ‘Jeffrey Brown’

The Armpit Where Art and Commerce Meet: It’s a Link Post

June 14, 2010

David Byrne’s recent TEDTalk (embedded at Stereogum) examines how physical space has historically informed the ways music is composed (and later, recorded), but it’s really worth watching to hear Byrne crack himself up after making a joke about Bob Dylan a few minutes in.

Is Jeffrey Brown comics’ perfect gateway artist? Gene Kogan thinks so.

Laura Miller of The New Yorker assesses the recent crop of dystopian-future teen lit, and rudely omits my self-published Half-Android Half-Cheerleader.

At the Awl, Dave Bry ponders the use of being angry about the Absolut vodka ad featuring Joy Division/New Order’s “Ceremony”–which is pretty crass, and I’m not gonna embed the video, but maybe it’s best to just think back to a time when Absolut was responsible for the best commercials ever:


It’s a [Comics-Only] Link Post

April 26, 2010

Balls the Awesomebot

Are America’s multiplexes ready for Jeffrey Brown? Splash Page suggests how to adapt Incredible Change-Bots.

Tim Gunn takes on superhero fashion and trashes the black Spider-Man suit:

Last week’s Village Voice cover story is about Jaime Hernandez for some reason, which is cool, even though writer R.C. Baker insists on referencing Georges Seurat and tells readers to hope Hernandez dies before they do at the end. (Couldn’t Douglas Wolk have written this?)

At Too Busy Thinking About My Comics, Colin examines the relative psychopathology of Lex Luthor.

Fortune magazine apparently rejected a cover that Chris Ware drew for the May issue, but Ware’s design has been circulating online and it’s a beaut:

According to /Film, the Howling Commandos will appear in the Captain America movie…although they may not be called the Howling Commandos?

In other Cap-related matters, current Captain America writer Ed Brubaker revealed to io9 that he received death threats after the Tea Party was featured in a recent issue.